Advanced Performance Materials Matrice Technology Ltd. en-US Advanced Performance Materials 0929-1881 ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION OF UTERINE MYOMA DURING PREGNANCY <p>Uterine fibroids (leiomyomas) are one of the most common tumors of the female genital area. This disease is diagnosed in 20-27% of women of childbearing age. In recent decades, uterine myoma by the time of the implementation of the childbearing function is noted in an increasing number of cases, since due to social motives, women postpone the birth of children to a later period of reproductive age, which is confirmed by ultrasound. In this regard, it is quite logical that they increasingly have questions about the possibility of becoming pregnant in the presence of uterine fibroids or after its removal, about its impact on the course of pregnancy and childbirth.<br>Uterine fibroids in and of themselves are not a cause that prevents pregnancy and leads to infertility, but it can be quite difficult for women with this disease to conceive a child. It all depends on the number, location and size of the myomatous node. Myoma can compress the fallopian tubes; deform them, thereby disrupting the process of free movement of spermatozoa and, as a result, fertilization. Also, a myomatous node, if it is in close proximity to the implantation site, can disrupt its proper course and, as a result, lead to spontaneous miscarriages.<br>Small knots located in the muscular layer of the uterus practically do not affect the process of embryo implantation. As a rule, during such a pregnancy, complications do not occur.</p> Khatamova Matluba Tilavona Copyright (c) 2023 Advanced Performance Materials 2023-04-02 2023-04-02 2 1 IMPORTANCE OF CORONAVIRUS INFECTION (COVID-19) IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SYSTEMIC VASCULITIS <p>Environmental change, climate warming, increasing population density, high migration activity of the population and other factors provoke the emergence and spread of new infections around the world.<br>The emergence in December 2019 of diseases caused by the new coronavirus (“coronavirus disease 2019”) has already gone down in history as an emergency of international concern. It is known that the most common clinical manifestation of a new infection is pneumonia, as well as respiratory distress syndrome in a significant proportion of patients. Our article presents a brief analytical review of the temporary guidelines of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)", version 3 (03.03.20) and other literature sources. The team of authors hopes that these data will be useful to doctors in providing medical care to patients with a new coronavirus infection, as well as teachers in the preparation of students and residents.</p> Djurayeva E.R. Normuradov A.D. Copyright (c) 2023 Advanced Performance Materials 2023-04-02 2023-04-02 2 1